Super Nodes

Tracking & Payment System: (mainnet)

Estimated Earnings (Zen/Node/Day)
Last Actual 100% (Zen/Node/Day)
Total ZEN Earned
Current ZEN Price (USD)
Current Worth Paid Out to Date (USD)
Current Worth All Node Stakes (USD)


Use the Installation Guide to set up a node. See details regarding changing a Stake Address.

Earning period is 572 blocks (about a day). Payouts are on Mondays.

Help Desk - Help may be found in Discord #open-a-ticket channel or

Stats -

Server:Total Up Down Inactive
Region:Total Up Down Inactive
Global:Total Up Down Inactive

Other Servers


Nodes -

Grey row indicates a node has an open Downtime or open Exception

Current Block Height: 1646798

Current Earning Period ends at block 1646882 on Wed, 16 Oct 2024 02:13:13 GMT

All times are estimated